Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sore legs = It was worth it!

The 2011 Race for Vocations was a success. We had a lovely Friday evening with a beautiful Mass. Father Eric Johnson, vocation director for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, had a nice homily and Saint John the Evangelist Parish Downtown Indy was the perfect setting for the Mass for Vocations and pasta dinner. Many young adults, family members and friends of our team were in attendance.

This year was the 14th time I have run the Mini Marathon in Indianapolis. I was thankful to have run it and ran into many of my parishioners along the way. The difference this year was the cold I have been battling since Monday May 2nd but God helped me to finish my race. The Race for Vocations scripture verse that has helped our team members these last four years is from Saint Paul's First Letter to Timothy chapter 4 verse 7 "I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith." Thank you God and for so many people who prayed for me and all the Race for Vocations participants. We had a great day and beautiful conditions to compete. Also, the post race tent was filled with activity as many people stopped by to have a bite to eat, grab a drink and share stories of their races. Hopefully, a few more people will consider the vocation God is calling them too and maybe a few will decide to take a closer look at priesthood or religious life.
With all this in mind, and many sore legs of our over 185 participants, the 2012 500 Festival Mini Marathon/5K Race for Vocations is now less than a year away. Guess what? You can now get signed up for the 2012 Mini Marathon and 5K! Visit https://www.signmeup.com/site/online-event-registration/76281 Remember that the Mini fills up quick! Also, visit http://archindy.org/vocations/race.html to sign up to be on the Race for Vocations Team in 2012. God bless you and keep praying for vocations. Father Joshua

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