Thursday, February 10, 2011

Patron Saint of Laughter?

To preface this post, i learned something new today. have YOU ever wondered who the patron saint of "laughter" is? well, i recently discovered that the patron saint of laughter is st. sarah.  click on her name in the previous sentence to learn a little more about her.

Does anyone out there enjoy laughter? Laughter and humor are such beautiful gifts from God! I am very thankful when I am able to laugh. When we laugh, we are enjoying life and not taking ourselves too seriously. We should remember too that God loves us unconditionally and when we laugh, He is probably laughing with us. I don't think that is in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, but it is just a hunch of mine. 

This is kind of a silly (are you laughing yet?) post today as I am quite tired so I apologize for not sharing more with you. Nevertheless, I wanted to include a few neat videos to watch at your leisure. There were certain parts of these videos that made me laugh. Hopefully, you will chuckle, laugh, snicker or just giggle over the gifts of these two comedians. 

The first video is of my favorite Catholic Comedian... a gal from California named Judy McDonald. The guy on the video at the start of the video is not Judy, but just a guy who is going to introduce her. I believe this video was taken at Franciscan University of Steubenville last year. Here you go...

The second video is of my other favorite comedian Brian Regan, who I think might be Catholic, but I cannot confirm that. Man, wouldn't it be cool if he WAS Catholic? I'm just saying. He is clean and very hilarious. Enjoy and I hope you laughed today at least once, but two times would be even better! :) 

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